Wednesday, April 15, 2009

R.I.P., Personal Computing

Today, I flushed a lot of monies down the toilet and mourned the loss of technologies. My computer just up and broke I am no longer an owner of a personal computer (I think they call it a “PC”) which puts me in a league of 3-year olds and the peoples of the developing world.

I took two trips and spend roughly100 hours at my university’s “computer depot.” It’s difficult to feel human when you realize how much we depend on machines that don’t love us back and that will just break. It’s hard to stay sane watching your beloved files being transferred to a sad, little, expensive external hard drive while a tech brah next to you listens to Widespread Panic on his moe. Pandora radio station.

As I walked home with a $1,000 hunk of metal and plastic in my bag, the world was still breathing and I still had all my appendages. The world keeps spinning: spring is coming alive around us and consumers continue to buy technology that will ultimately fail.

I’ll miss the convenience and making playlists. Alas, I was tiring of the mega blogs that I waste so much time on. The sun is shining and I desperately need a tan, not an extra special glimpse into the life of blog commenters.

I don’t know if a new computer is in my future which is to say, my blogging will take a hit. Dry your eyes; we’ll be okay.

And friends of the interwebs, don’t buy a Dell.

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