Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Live blogging!!!!!!!!

It's debate tiiiime! While the debate is "town-hall" style, the only style I know is the "what's the deal" style. So00:
1. The deal with the blue screen at the debate? What's with the primary colors? It's hurting my eeeyes. Are they trying to make this more interesting for digital artists?
2. What's the deal with Obama. Why is he smiling at this dino.? Actually, it's kind of funny! He probably thinks this dino is funny too.
3. What's the deal with earmarks? Meredith utilized the interwebs: "congressional provisions that direct approved funds to be spent on specific projects." Thanks, wikipedia!
4. Middle class! Middle class! Who the hell is the middle class anyway?
5. What's the deal with all the old people at the debate? The youth is the future, not the geriatrics of Ohio. Or Tennesee. Or wherever this debate is. We will be the ones without Social Security when we're wearing Depends. Obama mentions the youth and the environment. Thanks question mark?
6. What is the deal with McCain's "My friends." John McCain, you are not my friend.

Another glass of wine and I'll be back...

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