Sunday, October 19, 2008

Kegs for McCain

Good job, Sarah Palin. Way to prove more and more that you're a man's woman, meaning you leave choice up to the sex for whom it doesn't matter, you don't value intelligence, and your makeup looks great!

And good job, dudes. Now men in Carhartts everywhere look like assholes. It's a good thing Americans are focused on the important resources for this election: wealth and beauty. Men are "realizing" that it is "their" "sex drive" that is "fucking things up" in the White House and all of the WorldWideGovernment as of late, so it's time they "allow" a woman (any young broad with nice legs will do) to do the dirty work.
Hillary must be ripping out her leg hair over this.


elsa said...

this was the first bit of the sunday NYT i read and i spewed my soy chai latte.

the best part is that sarah palin is the "right" kind of feminist (her words, not mine. obvi, in now way is this poor excuse for a human a feminist): she is a puppet to a patriarchal puppet-master and looks good in a skirt.

merez said...

dear Elissa and reading audience:
