Saturday, February 7, 2009

Love is not proud, you know.

"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.
I don't know if I want to get married. I think weddings are pretty awful (the electric slide, drunk relatives, reading awesome poems like "Love is not proud, love is not boastful..." Ick.). I think that the normative family structure isn't so much traditional as it is unrealistic. Also unrealistic? Monogamy. But mostly, I'm just incredibly skeptical that I will meet a nice boy, fall in love and stay in love until that nice boy becomes a nice old man.
Yet, aren't I lucky. As a heterosexual woman in the 21st century, I have the luxury and the privilege to question marriage. Or if I meet a nice boy who, resembles a lumberjack, looks good in a suit, cooks, adheres to no preconceived gender constructs, and will hyphenate our babies' last names, I can marry him whenever I want.
I wish that every bigot who believes that same sex marriage is about more than simply two people committing to each other for life would watch this video. It made this marriage skeptic cry.

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