Sunday, March 23, 2008

Get Off Your High Horse

I know it isn't Thursday and we've already had the weekly installment of "what grinds my gears" but this weekend warrants a special interlude. I just recently turned 21 as most of you know and it really is great, I am not treated like a leper and it seems like now I'm allowed to live as a true member of society. However, I do still have some underage friends and quite frankly I'd rather hang out with them then tools at bars but sometimes it is nice to go out.

One establishment in particular, that need not be named because people know where I'm referring to, of Burlington is just about the biggest joke ever. If you are under 21 be prepared to be ostracized, and if you are 21 be prepared to be quizzed on your home state, because having an ID just is not sufficient. This weekend past we attended a function at said club/bar and let me tell you we brought the party, it was empty and we were the only ones in the place. There were more bouncers then attendees, twas a bit sad for the dj. Anyway, I got a drink, as I am now permitted to do and generously let a couple of friends sip from the cup. Promptly I'm tapped on the shoulder and told "You're out," caught off guard and not really comprehending I said "What?" to which I got a stern, "You shared your drink, you're out." Well, confused and annoyed I said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know, it won't happen again," to which he replied "One strike and you're out," (we all know that's not the case). My drink, which cost me $5.50 mind you, was then taken away and we were watched by him and a crony until we had vacated the premises. All in all the whole fiasco cost us all about $35 dollars with the cover charge, drink, and coat check.

Now I understand there are rules, I'm not arguing with that. However, we all know there was no one of importance there, and quite frankly we didn't know we were breaking the rules. I really feel that first of all, every bouncer in that place is on one big power trip, and second of all, no one was doing much wrong. No one was buying alcohol for minors and no one was bothered. I would put money on the fact that had there been a crowd and the same "incident" had taken place, a blind eye would be turned, or we would not have been spotted at all. Does he really think, had I known I would have been kicked out that I would risk it after paying all that money, a sip is clearly not worth that. Just because he is pissed and cranky that he has to spend his Friday night monitoring a drunk crowd does not mean it is necessary to ruin the nights of others. I say, get off your high horse and remember that you were underage once and you too sometimes just needed a bit of sympathy and forgiveness.

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