Monday, January 28, 2008

environmental radicalism goes mainstream?

Yesterday, the NYT's Week In Review featured an article ( the meat industry . Vegetarian leaders have been saying for years that industrial farming practices are resource intensive, inhumane and an altogether harmful and unnecessary element of our culture. also recently ran an article( promoting a "grey-water" system in the US. This would enable recycling of water, which Mexico has been doing for years. Orange County, CA just opened their system, the first in the country (appropriate considering it's a desert).
It's interesting that economic downfall may the road to greater environmentally sustainability. The American economy is supposedly falling like a lead balloon, and the NYT Magazine cover story this week was about how America's position as a world super power is definitely in jeopardy. One day, we'll be telling our kids stories about how we let the water run constantly and ate lots of 39 cent burgers, and they won't believe us.

1 comment:

dundaysinner said...

"absolute powers fail absolutely"

love, a C-average political science major