Monday, December 3, 2007

More Proof

that the world bank is evil.
This article details how the WB wanted to impose free-trade regulations on the impoverished nation and cut its fertilizer subsidies. They also suggested that Malawi grow cash crops for export and then import all their food. (logic that wouldn't get past a 6-year-old's bullshit detector.)Malawi ignored the "experts" and grew lots of corn thanks to subsidies on fertilizer.

The NYT says: "The country’s successful use of subsidies is contributing to a broader reappraisal of the crucial role of agriculture in alleviating poverty in Africa and the pivotal importance of public investments in the basics of a farm economy: fertilizer, improved seed, farmer education, credit and agricultural research."

And the US's role?
"The United States, which has shipped $147 million worth of American food to Malawi as emergency relief since 2002, but only $53 million to help Malawi grow its own food, has not provided any financial support for the subsidy program, excep for helping pay for the evaluation of it. Over the years, the United States Agency for International Development has focused on promoting the role of the private sector in delivering fertilizer and seed, and saw subsidies as undermining that effort."

Everything you ever wanted to know about globalization but were afraid to ask.

Lots of bias!

1 comment:

kate said...

let the people grow their own damn food and stop subsidizing the agriculture right out of Africa (/Asia/Southeast Asia/Eastern Europe/The Caribbean/Central and South America)'s collective agriculture sector. The World Bank is turning the rest of the world into vacation land anywhere there's a beach and a war zone anywhere there isn't. Destroying years and years of agriculture in other countries and creating dependency on our environmentally corrupt agricultural practices is setting us up for imminent global starvation. The US has a hard enough time assuring just distribution within its own borders. What happens when no one remembers how to farm? Carghill and Monsanto sure as hell aren't going to reteach the global population...they don't know what farming without the factories would look like.